• - Login into Seesaw, clicking on the button ‘I’m a Teacher’


  • - Click on the teacher’s name in the top left of the screen


  • - Click on ‘Create New Class’

  • - Type a name for your class and select your grade level, then click the green tick in the right corner of the pop-up screen

  • Click on the spanner icon (settings) in the top right of the screen


  • Select your settings.

This is what I have used in the past.

To add students

  • - Click on the ‘+ Students’ button on the bottom right of the screen

  • - Select ‘No’

  • - Select ‘Shared Devices’

  • - Type in your students’ names (First name, followed by last name)

Press ‘enter’ or ‘tab’ to start writing the next name

  • - Select the green tick in the top right of the pop-up screen when you have added all the names (you can add more later if need be)

  • - Select ‘Get Home Learning Codes’

(Students don’t just have to use these at home. They can use these at school to access things you put up for them to do on Seesaw.)

  • - Select ‘Print Codes’ for the class you want. (This won’t print the codes but create PDFs.)


  • - Select ‘File’, ‘Export as PDF’ and choose where you’d like to save the learning codes so you can print them at any time.


To print QR code for classroom sign in

(This is the sign in for your whole class to display in the classroom for students to upload their own work to Seesaw. It is for classroom use only, do not send it home to parents!)

  • - Go back to Seesaw home page and click on the spanner icon in the top right of the screen.


  • - Click ‘+ Students’ at the top left of the pop-up screen.


  • - Click on ‘Print Student Sign In Poster’ at the bottom right of the pop-up screen.



To print invites for parents

  • - Go back to Seesaw and click on the spanner icon in the top right of the screen.


  • - Scroll down to the Families subheading and click on ‘Invite families’

  • - Select ‘Print Invites’ at the top of the screen. (This won’t print the codes but create PDFs.)

  • - Select a language for the paper invites and click on ‘Print Invites’

  • - You can save these invites like you saved the home learning codes.


To create folders to organise posts in the journal

  • - Click on the folder icon next to the class journal title on the right of the screen.


  • - Click on ‘+ Create a Folder!’


  • - Type a Folder Name and Select a Colour for the folder, then click the green tick.


  • - Click on ‘+ Create a Folder!’ to add more folders.


How to archive a class

  • - Log into Seesaw


  • - Select the class you wish to archive (will display in the top left of screen).
  • - Then select the wrench in the top right of screen


  • - Scroll to the bottom of ‘Class Settings’ and click on ‘Archive Class’.

  • - Select ‘Archive Class’.